Events and Workshops


In addition to therapy and general yoga classes, Steve and I also run full and half days events and workshops, as well as retreats.


Yin and Yoga Nidra



Yin yoga gives us the space to slow down, a chance to stay with our experiences rather than rushing. Yin yoga focuses on the connective tissues of the body: tendons, ligaments, fascia, together with the joints. It is a very slow practice and mainly works the area of the body 'above the knees and below the navel'.

  • All postures are practised seated or lying down and often held for around 2-5 minutes using props to support the body. During this sustained hold there is an encouragement of softness and muscle has a chance to release, this in turn leads to the connective tissues becoming more hydrated and our flexibility starts to improve. It gives us a welcome opportunity to just be and really turn inwards and listen to the body.

    We then lie down to rest in the most comfortable position possible whilst we are guided through a Yoga Nidra practice.

    Yoga Nidra translates into ‘Yogic Sleep’, it is a blissfully relaxing practice. It’s everybody's treasure… Yoga Nidra is a great treasure, a potent meditative resource for healing, insight, and empowerment.

    It's a state of consciousness in which we are invited to re-encounter the essential truth of who we really are. Yoga Nidra provides us with the opportunity to experience deep freedom. It welcomes us all home to ourselves.

    It can become a deeply relaxing and nurturing practice and aid with a better night’s sleep.


Wellness Days



Full day and half days available often held at Well House Yoga Space near Darley, Harrogate. The days are usually themed taking into account the seasons, honouring the natural rhythm of life. A 2 course buffet lunch is provided together with all refreshments. All props are provided however you may prefer to bring your own.

Yin and Sound Oasis



These are group sessions which combine Yin Yoga and Sound Oasis. You are invited to simply lie down, settle in and experience an immersive soundscape to relieve the stresses and tensions of daily life and receive an emotional tune up. These events are suitable for people of all levels, experience and abilities.

  • Yin yoga gives us the space to slow down, a chance to stay with our experiences rather than rushing. Yin yoga focuses on the connective tissues of the body: tendons, ligaments, fascia, together with the joints. It is a very slow practice and mainly works the area of the body 'above the knees and below the navel'.

    All postures are practised seated or lying down and often held for around 2-5 minutes using props to support the body. During this sustained hold there is an encouragement of softness and muscle has a chance to release, this in turn leads to the connective tissues becoming more hydrated and our flexibility starts to improve. It gives us a welcome opportunity to just be and really turn inwards and listen to the body.

    Sound Oasis uses sound, music and specialist instruments played in therapeutic ways, combined with deep self-reflection techniques to improve health and wellbeing. Using a combination of relaxing meditation and instruments such as Tibetan singing bowls this leads to a release of tension, discomfort and pain, both in the mind and body.





We run three day retreats in the UK providing a sanctuary away from the busyness of everyday life. There is a full programme including various styles of yoga, meditation, SOMA Breathwork, Yoga Nidra and much more.





Over the course of 2 hours you will experience a fusion of movement, breath work and sound taking you on a journey to Unwind.

You will move from chaos to calm in just 2 hours!

We end with a closing circle and homemade sweet treats.

Each evening will be -

Universal Bliss

There is no experience needed and variations will be offered as needed in order for you to gain maximum benefit from our time together.


Sound Oasis



Sound Oasis Meditation uses sound, music and specialist instruments played in therapeutic ways, combined with deep self-reflection techniques to improve health and wellbeing. It combines relaxing meditation and instruments like Tibetan singing bowls, leading to the release of tension, pain and discomfort for both mind and body.

  • These are group sessions in which you are invited to simply lie down, settle in and experience an immersive soundscape to relieve the stresses and tensions of daily life and receive an emotional tune up. These events are suitable for people of all levels, experience and abilities.


YogaFit Ibiza



YogaFit Ibiza - 22-29th October

There are very flexible options, arrive on any day and stay for between 3 and 7 nights. Everything is included with around 200 classes provided by approx 50 instructors. Do as little or as much as you like. Discount Code: MYTIMEYOGA

Interested in the above events?


SOMA Breath Awakening

We are very excited to be one of only a few people in the North of England offering the amazing experience of the SOMA Breath® Awakening Journey.

  • The Awakening is a breathwork ceremony featuring a series of ancient breathing techniques arranged into a sequence that combines rhythmical breathing to beat-driven music and includes vocal toning, humming, breath retention, meditation, visualisation techniques, and the activation and transmutation of sexual energy.

    We will start with gentle movement inviting you towards a seated or lying down position where you will be guided through this unique breath work experience.

    Potential benefits:

    • Relief from anxiety and depression

    • Reduces blood pressure

    • Promotes weight loss

    • Strengthens your immune system

    • Increases quality and depth of sleep

    • Lowers cholesterol

    • Lowers inflammation

    • Increases vitality and energy


SOMA Breath Yoga

A fusion of traditional Hatha and Yin yoga combined with SOMA Breathwork, hypnotic language and somatic release leading you to a state of bliss.

  • Accompanied by amazing music, this is a totally unique experience.

    Potential benefits:

    • Relief from anxiety and depression

    • Reduces blood pressure

    • Promotes weight loss

    • Strengthens your immune system

    • Increases quality and depth of sleep

    • Lowers cholesterol

    • Lowers inflammation

    • Increases vitality and energy

Behind the scenes at one of our retreats…