About Yoga

Yoga is derived from the word ‘yoke' or union which translates into the unity of body, mind and breath. Yoga is not about performing fancy poses wearing the latest leggings, it’s about taking time to pause, breathe and really notice how you feel. It is suitable for everyone as the different asana (poses) can be adapted to suit your needs using a variety of props.

My aim is to make this wonderful practice of yoga accessible for everybody, regardless of whether it’s your first time or if you have been practising for years.


Hatha Yoga

All yoga in the Western hemisphere is derived from Hatha yoga. I like to think of it as a family tree, with Hatha Yoga at the top and then all other styles of yoga as the branches of the tree. For example: Iyengar, Ashtanga, Forrest, Bikram, Jivamukti, Power, Vinyasa Flow, Yin and Restorative, to name a few!

  • I have practised many different types so my style is a fusion of these styles into a practice where you are guided to work with your body with how it feels in the class that day.

    It isn’t about the ‘perfect pose’, instead, it’s really important to pay attention to how it feels in your body and for you to feel empowered to practise in a way that feels right for you.

    A typical Hatha class starts with Pranayama (breath work), then a series of warm up movements, we then move mindfully from pose to pose spending time in each one to really allow ourselves to notice how we feel. We then slowly wind down with a series of stretches before ending with a period of Savasana (relaxation).


Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga gives us the space to slow down, a chance to stay with our experiences rather than rushing. Yin yoga focuses on the connective tissues of the body: tendons, ligaments and fascia, together with the joints. Yin yoga is a very slow practice and mainly works the area of the body 'above the knees and below the navel'.

  • All postures are practised seated or lying down and often held for around 2-5 minutes using props to support the body. During this sustained hold there is an encouragement of softness and muscle has a chance to release, this in turn leads to the connective tissues becoming more hydrated and our flexibility starts to improve.

    It gives us a welcome opportunity to just be and really turn inwards and listen to the body.

    It can become a deeply relaxing and nurturing practice and aid with a better night’s sleep.


Restorative Yoga

Restorative Yoga makes use of props to create positions of ease and comfort that facilitate relaxation and health. It is not just an addition to the well known practice of active asana (poses), it is a practice in and of itself. Suitable for people of all ages, at all levels of yoga experience, and in all states of health.

  • Restorative poses can be adapted to the student instead of the student trying to fit themselves into the shape and demands of an active yoga pose. It is about opening, not stretching. No matter what condition you are in , it is virtually always possible to find a position of ease that supports you in consciously letting go and resting.

    The need for such a practice is great in today’s exhausting and time pressured world, we all need a few minutes a day to disconnect, settle into ourselves and rest in silence.

    Not only does this brief practice have the immediate effect of creating a calmer, more present mind , but it also has a marked physical and psychological benefits like lowering blood pressure and stabilising mood.

    “Deep Rest is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, it is respect for life” — Adelene Cheong


Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra translates into ‘Yogic Sleep’ — it is a blissfully relaxing practice. Yoga Nidra is a potent meditative resource for healing, insight and empowerment. It is practised lying down in the most comfortable position possible, then all you have to do is listen to the sound of my voice and let Yoga Nidra work its magic.

  • It's a state of consciousness in which we are invited to re-encounter the essential truth of who we really are. Yoga Nidra provides us with the opportunity to experience deep freedom. It welcomes us all home to ourselves.

What People Are Saying…

“Not having done yoga before I was anxious about starting the class. However, Yvonne tailors her teaching to suit individuals and to build confidence. The results have been very beneficial.”

Joy — Yoga Student

“I enjoy yoga very much. I need it for both body and mind. You are very good at mixing up the classes so it is never predictable, dull or boring. I’ve had a rubbish week, however, there’s you and yoga (and my garden) to keep me going. Several times a week I have 75 minutes to myself, and I’m getting good at sitting on my block for 10 minutes occasionally and shutting off! I’m extremely grateful and glad I found yoga, albeit rather late in life.”

Ma — Yoga Student

“Teaching yoga truly is a vocation for Yvonne. She demonstrates this in her classes and day retreats. While her yoga classes leave me feeling stretched and relaxed, she also uses yoga techniques to help with our emotional and mental health as this has such a direct impact on our physical well-being. She encourages a feeling of community within the group, and we have lots of fun and laughter too.

Yvonne brings all her studying and experience together in every class to make sure all those attending benefit week after week. I really notice the difference when I miss my regular classes and then I can’t wait to get back.”

Elaine — Yoga Student

Share Your Experience…

Have you joined one of my classes, events or retreats? If so, I’d love to hear about your experience! Click the button below to send a testimonial and I’ll add it on to the page above so that more people can learn about and experience the profound ways yoga can enrich our life and wellbeing.